I'm trying out something new: a weekly theme. Just one day a week--to see if I like it.
For me, this theme is incredibly rich with possibilities. I can't begin to recount all the times in my life when I've begun a sentence with the words: "Do you think I should be worried about....."
When I say this to V, he gives me a look--a combination of a deer caught in the headlights--while rolling his eyes. This look is a useful reality check, and a reminder that I married a WASP who doesn't know the meaning of the word "worry".
Although I could completely imagine converting this entire blog over to this one theme, I'll just confine myself to one day a week. I won't confine myself when it comes to the worries. I'll roll with it and see what happens. It could be a worry from the past, present, or future---or all three.
I don't want to scare anyone off. So I'll start small.
You don't even have to be a Jewish mother to get this one.
I am assuming that every parent does what I've always done as soon as you hear a siren. No matter where you are, what time of day, your mind frantically catalogues the immediate whereabouts of your children (and maybe your husband if you have a good relationship). You calculate the probabilities that any of them could be passengers in the ambulance. And the incidence of worry doesn't totally disappear until you know they're safe--just one of those things that comes with the parental territory.
Lately I've learned there's light at the end of this tunnel. The end of siren-stress. It's called the empty nest--and it puts a very positive spin on the benefits of having your kids move out of town.
There's even more benefit---and more light-- now that I wrote about it. Maybe I can magically limit my worrying just to Wednesdays. Hah. But even releasing one little worry at a time--out into the universe--or the internet---makes me feel better. And lighter.
Maybe you'll try it--and let me know if Wednesday Worry works for you, too.