....for Barack.
Since I dropped Hillary last winter and fell for Barack, I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like you do when you start dating a new guy who could be THE ONE but pretty soon you find out he snores or smokes cigars or something. Not enough to be a deal breaker but enough to slow the heart rate and inject a little dose of reality into the relationship.
So all this time with Barack, I'm waiting. For the other shoe to dop. But both shoes are still on. And he's still walking.
Someone called his attitude "Aloha Zen." Perfect. He's the calm eye in the storm; the warm center of a chocolate souffle (doesn't sound very PC but to me the ultimate accolade). In everything he does, the guy hits just the right note.
Shirtsleeves in the Oval Office; wandering around the halls of the White House; complaining when his kids get a snow day; he's so damn normal. Beyond normal---the way he looks at his wife---could he get any better?
For me, he did-- when I found out today he has the same favorite drink as me, Honest Tea---even the same flavor, Green Dragon. As if I didn't already know it, the man has great taste.
There was one little moment of doubt. We were at the inauguration on the lawn of the Capitol in the middle of a huge crowd and around us everyone is screaming "O-Ba-Ma!" and for one instant it felt like a bizarro combination Stones concert/Nazi rally. The adoration was almost scary. And for that moment I felt like screaming back at them, "He's not THE ONE! He's not a god, he's just a man!"
And even though he's bound to make a mistake sometime soon, and the expectations and the hopes are so high....the good news is that after Bush, the bar is so low.
I keep thinking like everybody must be thinking-- this is a dream, this is too good to be true. How did this happen in America? It feels like a sappy movie; it never happens in real life. So maybe it's appropriate to describe how many people feel right now about Obama ---he completes us.
I thoroughly agree with your perspective, and totally enjoy your concept with this blog. Proud of your attitude, no doubt a contributor to you health! I look forward to keeping up with you, and yeah, this Obama love is creepy to some extent, SO hope we aren't disappointed. Seems like a good man, tho, and so far I really like him. Hope the stimulus plan isn't bogus, need to read it. ALL the R's turned it down, that either means it's a bad idea, or our R's are really messed up! Later,
Posted by: Susan Hamilton | January 30, 2009 at 07:06 AM
Thanks Susan for your sympathetic outlook on my Obama obsession. I'm sure it will fade over time--like any other passionate love affair. I'm sure even I won't agree with everything he does---but think it will remain wonderful to me just having him in the White House.
Posted by: Darryle | January 30, 2009 at 10:21 AM
Newsweek just arrived in the mail. The cover is a picture of Obama smiling--despite the problems facing him as he assumes office. I had to laugh at the headline: "I've Got it Bad"... . "
Posted by: Darryle | January 30, 2009 at 03:36 PM
I think we adore him like a second love - you know he isn't perfect, but his flaws only add to the appeal because we see him as human. And yeah, there would've been a celebration no matter what because W sucked that bad.
Posted by: April | January 31, 2009 at 10:27 AM
Ah yes, I can so identify with the way you feel, Darryle. Yes, he is just a man. But that is what makes him sooooo easy to like, he is intelligent yet humble> He has never promised us a rose garden. He and Michelle keep reminding the American public that change is not going to happen over night!
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Posted by: Johnny | February 11, 2010 at 02:06 AM