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December 10, 2008


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Here in Texas, we have "Texas Casual". I'm not kidding. So there are only 48 mystery states. :)


Alli, do I always think you are so funny because I'm your mom? I don't think so. In fact, I think you should be WRITING a blog. But I'm stll glad you're reading mine.



On the subject of Texas Casual, a book could be written. Because it depends on WHERE you are in Texas. Austin is a casual place so you're nearly always safe in jeans, either dressed up or dressed down. If you're a little underdressed they'll just assume you're a 'creative professional' who marches to a different drummer and want your business card. Dallas on the other hand, is bling and big hair city. I'm not sure it's possible to over dress there. Ever.

RE: your question....yikes! I might have to go with underdressing at a funeral. At least overdressing at a Christmas party means you just pretend that you have TWO parties to go to and you're on your way to the upscale one after you leave this one. That way, you'll get extra credit for being popular and fitting their warm up party into your busy holiday social calendar :)


You posted something tagged 'midlifer' and didn't zip it over to MLB?????


Jane--you mean this sounds as if I'm dating myself???

new balance

To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom .

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