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December 17, 2008


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Mark Geduldig-Yatrofsky

In reading your daily "confessions to the Universe," I wonder about how you came to where you are. Admittedly, as a latecomer to Miami Beach, I did not have the extensive exposure to you through childhood and adolescence that other classmates had. The you that I thought I knew was poised, self-confident, and very bright. Nothing you have written has diminished my estimation of your brightness, but I now wonder if: 1) the self-confidence you projected was a shield protecting the Woody Allen side of you; 2) the persona in these journal entries is a self-caricature whose flaws are overstated and strengths underplayed; or 3) somewhere along the line you dove into the river Styx, and now nothing anyone knows about you can do you harm. "O, brave new world that has such people [as you] in it!"

Rosy V

Hi!!! Before I know it, it's Dec. 26, 2008. I have good intentions, but don't really know what happened. My cards on sitting right by me now. :)


Rosy--you make me feel I'm not the only one.
Mark, I'm not sure what to say. Maybe as I've gotten older I've embraced my inner Woody Allen.


I've got people permanently mad at me for not sending them a Christmas card. It only makes it worse if I get organised and send one the following year, or any year. That proves I snubbed them once upon a time. Only hope is to never, ever send a card again... oh dear.


Nobody ever gets mad at me for not sending cards--on holidays, birthdays, etc.. Anyone who knows me probably has very very low expectations.


This is the very first year that I am sending out cards, mostly because of all the people I have met online. But I can already see why it is a pain in the ass, and my own mother stopped sending out Rosh Hashanah cards in the Fall. It is time consuming, and everyone feels the need to be reciprocal, so it ends up being more of a chore. But, for one year, it is a good experience, and it is fun getting cards from new people.


Love the idea that your online friends online motivated you to send cards. Once you start, you raise expectations, and you might have to keep it up. I'll have to remember to check in with you-- same time next year. If we're still friends online, I'll expect a card. LOL.

Mark Geduldig-Yatrofsky

As one who does not relate to the religious or commercial aspects of Christmas, I only send "Season's Greetings" e-cards to a select few, just to keep the "sea lanes" open. My wife handles the limited number of paper greetings to the handful of our "unwired" friends and family here and abroad. (Darryle, you can consider this posting my holiday greeting to you! I will assume that you meant to send me one but didn't get around to it.) E-cards are very cost effective, environmentally friendly (no need to landfill or incinerate them), clutter free (no angst over when to dispose of them), and ideal for procrastinators (even if you send them at 11:59 PM on Christmas Eve, they'll be at their destination the same time as Santa).

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