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November 18, 2008


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Mark Geduldig-Yatrofsky

Wow, talk about suggestible! What was that quote from Obi Wan Kenobi about the Force having great effect on certain personality types? But, no, Obi Wan wasn't describing your your type. Either "H" used the Dark Side, or you really craved a change (or some combination of the two). Funny, the paths our lives take. Thanks for another update to the roadmap of yours.


Jeeze, this sure beats my singing backup for the DC5 story!


Thanks to both of you--fun to look back on the twists and turns that bring us where we are today---wherever that is....


I too spent wonderful days and nights at the Fontainebleau. I had a couple of friends who had cabanas there every summer and thus was a hotsh_t by way of osmosis. Thinking back, it was truly a wonder: Ice rink, bowling alleys, hot tourist women, lunch on the beach. And if I'm not mistaken, I believe we either had our Senior Prom in the LaRonde Room or the Poodle Lounge or else we went there after prom for Black Russians. Anyhow, thank you for bringing back those memories but, for me, the new Fountainebleau will never be able to touch "our" Fountainebleau.


You were obviously way cooler than me in high school. Growing up on Miami Beach, I never entered a lounge at the Fontainebleau except with my parents--to see Frank Sinatra. Just one of many Fontainebleau memories. And just one of the reasons I feel so lucky that I grew up back in those days on Miami Beach. I haven't seen the "new" Fontainebleau yet but you're right--like most remakes, nothing could ever match the original.

Susan @ 2kop

I was a young teen in the 70s when I visited the Fountainbleau with my family. It was pretty shabby by then, but you could see signs of past glory. What I remember most was that it was where I wore my first (and last) bikini. If only I had appreciated my body back then — but no, I already thought I was fat. It was a fabulous trip full of fabulous 70s fashions — hot pants, halter tops, wrap around maxi-skirts and platform sandals. I also seem to remember a big floppy hat and a huge pink purse with my name on it.

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That's true though! Miami TV really is great. The parties, the people, the fun shows with all that chik in them. I just really wanna go there again. Last time I stayed it was wesome, thank's to the 15 minutes offer on the Lastminutetravel site, I got there for only 1$! :) I hope to do that again. heh.

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