...but I can't help mentioning that the date is wrong on the post below: Thanks Giving. Obviously it is meant for today, but it ended up with the wrong date somehow because I'm on east coast time. Just another example of how I can drive myself---and everyone else---crazy sometimes.
Hi Darryle. I care about these things, too.
There is a way to select the date and time to publish each post in TypePad. The option is located on the right side of the page when you're creating the post. The drop down menu allows you to select from Draft, Publish Now, and Publish On.... If you choose the last, a calendar will pop up so you can choose the date, and beneath the calendar you can set the time. I use it all the time. You can go back and change the date if it still bothers you. And, yeah, time zones come into play.
I'm off to my son's house for the rest of this holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: Arleen | November 27, 2008 at 12:53 PM