When we moved into our house about four years ago, we inherited a great apple tree in the backyard. I have a black thumb, and the apples on this tree are the ONLY evidence of plant life that managed to successfully survive under my care.
The tree had another bumper crop this year. And since my sister Carla always makes apple pies for Thanksgiving dinner, I packed up a big box of apples recently as a surprise--picked fresh off the tree. I figured they would bring a little California to the east coast when we're there for the holiday. Plus it would be something I could put into the pies other than my fork.
Even though I normally do everything at the last minute, I shipped the apples early-- so they arrived 10 days before Thanksgiving. My sister, however, had already finished making the pies two weeks ago. To me this is just more proof that sometimes it pays to procrastinate.
As I conveyed to you, I definitely appreciated your efforts packing up and sending me the apples. You can imagine my surprise, however, when I opened the box and discovered that it wasn't your usual shipment of Sees candy, but rather something healthy like apples. So out of character, unlike me having already baked the pies!
Posted by: carla | November 23, 2008 at 01:54 PM
You must be dreaming to think I would send chocolate in advance when I know Paul is home. He would have polished off all the candy way before any of us got there. At least if I bring it with me, the rest of the family has a fighting chance.
Posted by: Darryle | November 23, 2008 at 02:24 PM
I just found your blog, and I loved the picture and the story of the apples.
Posted by: Pearl | November 23, 2008 at 06:41 PM
Thank you Pearl, glad you found me and hope you'll continue reading my blog. Happy Thanksgiving.
Posted by: Darryle | November 23, 2008 at 07:27 PM
Pearl, fan advisory (containing no spoilers): this blog is decidedly addictive. Once I started, I couldn't stand to miss an installment. To me, it's been even more compelling than "Lost," for which I was able to wait a whole week (and now, half a season)! Fortunately, it isn't fattening, unless you start craving chocolate in the middle of one of the longer postings.
Posted by: Mark Geduldig-Yatrofsky | November 25, 2008 at 10:58 AM
Thanks Mark, and now I know who to call if I ever need a p.r. person!
Posted by: Darryle | November 27, 2008 at 01:45 PM