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November 20, 2008


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I have to give many thanks to my mom, Carla who always does a wonderful job each year. Am I going to still wake up to see a blog posted each day, while you are on Thanksgiving vacation. I guess I can give you a break, since I am able to hear all your stories straight from you face to face.


Thanksgiving is also my favorite time of year. And I am truly thankful for Carla (in every way..and not just her cooking). This year will be extra special since everyone will be in attendance and I can't wait. I am truly looking forward to seeing everyone and introducing them to Ellie & Marin!

The only thing I am not looking foward to.. possibly ending up in a blog of yours!


OMG Both of my nieces on my blog!!! Love it. And I will definitely be writing blogs from your mom's house so I don't think you can avoid being in one. I'm surprised you're worried--actually I think I've been very kind and gentle writing about the family.....so far.

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