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October 05, 2008


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Mark Geduldig-Yatrofsky

"Never on a Sunday," eh? O. K., I am big on the idea of a day of rest, so much so, in fact, that my week contains five or six of them. Still, I am ever mindful of the words of warning from the great Jedi Master Yoda to his apprentice, Luke Skywalker: "Once start you down the Dark Path, forever will it rule your destiny." Master Yoda identified fear and anger as Dark Side emotions, but I would argue that procrastination originates there, too. Since we have heard a great deal about your battles with the "P" inclination, those of us who lap up every word of your daily postings now tremble at the prospect of your taking Sunday off, albeit for the noble purpose of giving the New York Times its due. What comes next? Isn't Saturday the day of rest for Jews and Muslims? Might you not decide to take a whole weekend off? Where will it end?

I suggest you do what Charles Schultz, Gary Trudeau, and all the other great comic strip artists have done - cache your Sunday posting rather than compose it the night before. Yes, you will have to overcome the pull of the Dark Side at least one of the six days running up to Sunday, but the Force is strong with you. Remember the Obama motto: "Yes, we can!"


I just gotta say I really never pegged you one for "suspending" your blog - and for a reason such as "rest"!!! Really, at least you could have cited the reason as respect for the state of our economy -
this is all sounding a little too much like a SNL skit.
I am not sure I can support a blogger who doesn't understand the "neediness" of her readers. Please reconsider!


You both are really really funny--and until you mentioned it, Trudy, I never thought of the obvious parallel with John McCain! OMG!! I thought my life was more soap opera but gosh darnit, you're right--i've become a SNL skit. In fact I think right now the whole country has become a SNL skit. Doesn't it feel like that every time you read the latest news?

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