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October 23, 2008


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Mark Geduldig-Yatrofsky

Having been born in Los Angeles, I technically can claim California nativity, but, honestly, it is a tenuous assertion at best. I have actually lived outside of the Golden State much more than within its boundaries. Although as an adult, I have traveled its length and width during a few intense interludes, I know more about it from books, popular culture, and PBS programs than from firsthand experience.

The irony of my life circumstances is that the place in which I have spent 95% of my adult life does not consider me anything like a native. In Virginia the conventional wisdom asserts that to be deemed a native someone has to have descended from at least two consecutive generations of direct ancestors who were lifelong residents of the commonwealth. (Yes, Virginia is one of four sovereign jurisdictions in the United States that is not, putting the finest of points on it, a state. For all intents and purposes, however, that is a distinction without a substantive difference.)

So, Darryle, my old chum, I bequeath you all my unused privileges of California nativism (except the bragging rights, which I choose to exercise on occasion) because (1) I am unlikely ever to make full use of them, and (2) you have earned them through your steadfastness in the face of temblors, El Ninos, Santa Anas, mudslides, and rightwing whacko governors. To borrow from William S. Gilbert (to Sullivan's score of "He Is an Englishman"):

She herself has said it,
And it's greatly to her credit,
That she is Cal-for-ni-an.
. . .
For she could have stayed Floridian,
Become Massachusettsian or Washingtonian,
Or perhaps Hawai'i-an!

But, in spite of all temptations
To belong to other nations (O. K., states - give a guy some poetic license here),
She remains Cal-ifor-ni-an!
She remains Cali-for-ni-an!


This is very clever, and after reading my blog you're now picking up my propensity to make up songs. By the way while living in California I've already experienced all of those natural disasters you mentioned. All except poison oak.

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