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August 05, 2008


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I can't believe I am admitting this in print (but you have paved the way): I too stared at the Jolie-Pitt twins for a very long time in People Mag when I got mine in the mail yesterday!



Thanks for being so brave--by being so honest. Doesn't it feel better admitting it? We can't be alone--they sell an awful lot of magazines. And let's get to the important stuff: for 5-pound premature babies---are they gorgeous or what?

Jay Luck

I have to confess........
that after reading your blog about Kyra and your breast cancer and subsequent operations I shed a tear. And then I laughed.

For some 53 years (oops, am I giving away your age?)I have thought about those breasts. Funny, really, since you and your cousin Jill walked into the Kindergarden classroom at North Beach Elementary in matching outfits; then later in Nautilus Junior High, was it Resnikoff's or Mack's class?; and later in high school. Even when you became the face of news on the local TV.

I received a copy of your blog from a broadcast e-mail from Gail Sandler a few weeks ago. Many a young boy fell for Gail, the Queen of the class. But not me. I always had the desire for your ........

My wife, and love of 33 years, Susie, has had two small battles with breast cancer, but has been very fortunate not to have suffered as you.

So now, after almost a lifetime of wondering what it would have been like, we learn, like so many other things God gives and takes from us, that they weren't as good as we had anticipated.

Is confession good for the soul, or only embarassing?

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