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August 25, 2008


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Deborah Rothman

That makes two of us. I, too, can't remember what seemed more important at the time. But I do remember thinking architecture wasn't "relevant"--after all, it was the 70's. On the other hand, sociology of the counterculture--THAT was relevant. But I think (& hope)you're wrong about our kids not knowing any more about life than we did when we were 20; I really believe that having Moms who have talked to them all their lives about what we now know really matters, will save them a few mistakes.


I feel SO much better knowing someone else missed Scully's class!! I really thought I must be the only one. Also I'm not convinced that anything Moms can say, no matter how loving and caring, can avoid kids making their own mistakes--but I hope you turn out to be right about that.

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