I realize as I write my first blog that I am about to open up my private life publicly. For our kids who spill their guts out onto Facebook and MySpace, this is no big deal. But for people our age, say....over 30, my having a blog brings up some privacy issues.
Such as the fact that I've been blogging by mouth for all these years anyway and I'm not sure that I even have any issues that are still kept private--at least from certain people. You know who you are.
But this goes both ways. As my treasured family and friends--this opens up a can of worms for you too. After all, anything you have confided in me over the past 50 years could possibly be published on the internet. Even anything you haven't told me could possibly be at risk. Not to mention what I think about those things you haven't told me.
I could make a case here for my sound judgment and basic integrity.
.....Nah. Not going there.
But here's the way I look at it.
Right now it's day one of my blogging career. As I look ahead, and back, and around me right now, I completely believe that my life has more than enough material to keep my blog absolutely riveting every single day. In fact, I suspect my biggest problem could be over-blogging---T.M.I. (too much information).
But playing devil's advocate. Let's imagine a miracle happens and my life becomes predictable and serene. At that point, I might want to tap into yours. Since maybe that might not align with your attitude, I thought I'd throw it out there and warn you in advance that you could possibly find yourself featured on this page. And even though I promise to show you in absolutely the best light, and hope you have a sense of humor about yourself, you might feel a little tiny bit of hesitation about exposing your dirty laundry in public.
I"ll say for the record right now--that I will always expose mine first. In fact sometimes my dirty laundry is not just a figure of speech, since I am not the world's best housekeeper as everyone knows who has ever set foot in any house or apartment I've lived in.
Anyway back to YOUR dirty laundry. I haven't yet discussed the privacy issue with my nearest and dearest but am planning to do that at the first opportunity. For example, my husband. He has generously given me full permission to disclose anything and everything about him or our life that I choose. Still I think it's important to protect his privacy--so I am planning to identify him as "V."
I am also planning to discuss the privacy issue with my two children. Depending on their reactions, it might turn out that in future blogs, I will have to pretend that I do not have any children.
For my friends and acquaintances, your reading this post will hopefully avoid any unintended insult or embarrassment in the future. If you choose to shield your identity from the blogosphere, you have two choices:
A--Let me know immediately and I will disguise you so well that you will not even recognize when you are reading about yourself.
B--Choose to have no further contact with me at all.
In that case, I am sure I will miss you.
What a fun July 4th Party! I didnt have to brush my hair or even change out of my PJs!
OK so there's no chocolate...but rather than a quick sugar high I get the sustaining nourishment of your thoughts, both meaningful and funny. Congratulations on your new blog and I look forward to more. May July 4th begin to transmute into new and dare I even say uplifing colors.
Ruthie R
Posted by: Ruthie | July 04, 2008 at 09:20 AM
Happy Independence Day, my dear friend!! What a way to celebrate your life! We have been passing notes back and forth for a lifetime and I guess we just moved into the 21st Century!
I will celebrate you and our friendship by eating chocolate, too. I am celebrating one of the most courageous and inspiring people I know with each delicious bite!!!
Thank you for giving me a reason and an excuse to eat chocolate forever!!! Now I can do so whenever I like and not feel guilty or pissed off with myself because I am showing my deep love for you every time I indulge.
I love you, Pea, and I hope that as you divulge your life secrets, I won't recognize my own indescressions!!
Much love,
Posted by: Sue C. | July 04, 2008 at 01:39 PM
Ah, what fun! I have been enjoying this 4th with my oldest grandson, age 6 1/2, visiting us for a few weeks from Seattle. Your new blog is just wonderful, a great way for you to share you humor and perspectives, without ever having to leave home! And yes, I'll have some chocolate, if you insist...Much love, Shoosh
Posted by: Shoosh | July 04, 2008 at 07:01 PM
Good morning girl. Loved your piece today ( I managed to sneak in a second piece of the cookie while you busy chewing and whiping chocolate off your chin. ) You were sleeping too peacefully to wake you up. I'll call you on my drive south.
Posted by: V | July 13, 2008 at 08:35 AM